Invalid request provided: AWS::AppFlow::FlowCreate – Salesforce integration

Invalid request provided: AWS::AppFlow::FlowCreate – Salesforce integration
Reading Time: 2 minutes

AWS AppFlow is a fully managed integration service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows you to securely transfer data between different software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications and AWS services. With AWS AppFlow, you can easily automate the flow of data without the need for custom code or complex integrations.

AWS AppFlow supports a wide range of popular applications, including Salesforce,, and more. It provides a visual interface that allows you to configure and manage data transfers, making it simpler to set up and maintain integrations.

We could see this error when deploying a stack in AWS that contains an App Flow block. If we are doing through Cloudformation it’s possible we have added a new mapping to a field that doesn’t exist in Salesforce.

Let see an example of error

In this case, Field1__c and Field2__c are being mapped in App Flow but those do not exist in Salesforce or at least App Flow doesn’t have permissions to access them.

Resource handler returned message: “Invalid request provided: AWS::AppFlow::FlowCreate Flow

request failed:


Task Validation Error: The following connector fields are not

supported: [Field1__c, Field2__c]

The task sourceConnectorType is FILTERING and the task operator is PROJECTION,
Task Validation Error:

The following connector fields are not supported: [Field1__c]

The task sourceConnectorType is MAPPING and the task operator is NO_OP,

Task Validation Error: The following connector fields are not supported:

[Field2__c] The task sourceConnectorType is MAPPING and the task operator is NO_OP


(Service: Appflow, Status Code: 400, Request ID: xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx,
Extended Request ID: null)" (RequestToken: xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx,
HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)

Verification checklist

  • Make sure the field exists
  • Make sure you don’t have a typo in the field name
  • Make sure the user used for the OAuth connection has necessary permissions. You could check Field-Level security or an existing permission set
  • Try to recreate the connection and deactivate/activate the App Flow
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About the author

Andrés Canavesi
Andrés Canavesi

Software Engineer with 15+ experience in software development, specialized in Salesforce, Java and Node.js.

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